12 Marking the 50th anniversary of a historic partnership
14 Working together to save lives in South Texas and on the battlefield
16 A transformational adventure yielding actionable data
18 Health center named for pioneering physician opens its doors
20 A community effort to battle the opioid epidemic
21 A plan for a new women’s and children’s tower begins to take shape
22 For these babies, fish oil is the ultimate health food
24 Smallest patients take part in city’s Tricentennial
26 Living-donor liver transplants: a new option for sick kids in Central and South Texas
28 Partnering to improve seatbelt usage
30 A sweet ride home for a little hero
32 A partnership between nurse and mother
34 Managing HIV care for the community
35 A new, less-invasive treatment for a common problem
36 New optimism for cystic fibrosis patients
37 Honoring a nursing leader
38 Pushing the boundaries of robotic surgery
40 An important message crafted with green goo
41 Medical Miracle: How the tiniest of premature babies was saved and given a promising future
42 New zoo trail combines fitness and fun
44 Thinking beyond our walls
46 Lending a hand to address housing challenges/ Stepping in to provide strategic leadership
47 A healthy way to have a great day
48 The legacy of Robert B. Green on the move
50 University Health System Foundation: Powerful partnerships: lifelines to extraordinary care
56 Employees of the Quarter/Employees of the Year/Daisy Awards
57 Financial summary
58 Thank you for your service
60 By the numbers